The alumni of the Hofmann era, are as diverse as to nationalities as they are in creative practices. While many have remained in the world of traditional graphic design endeavours – book design, print material, typeface design, and corporate identity – others have applied their skills to embrace architectural graphics, interior design, web design, multi media, and the fine arts. A large group has also worked as educators and/or became the heads of design departments at universities and art and design schools, keeping Basel-learned practices and exercises alive. The Alumni Day at the Academy of Art and Design Basel is an opportunity for exchange and discussion amongst former students, teachers, as well as other interested parties. Virtual roundtables based on thematic clusters such as design practices, education, and cultural exchange will allow people to share personal knowledge and experiences of the ‘afterlife’ of education in Basel.

October 29, 2020
14:00 – 18:30
Academy of Art and Design FHNW

Due to the Covid-19 situation, the event was held online and made available as live-stream.

A video documentation of the Alumni Day can be found here.

October 29, 2020

All times CET

14:00 – 15:45
Short videos giving you a glimpse of all our exhibitions, in the form of online walk-throughs, run consecutively, on a loop:

Schule für Gestaltung, Mauerhalle, Basel

  • Armin Hofmann: Posters, silkscreens, sculptures and reliefs

HGK / FHNW Campus

  • Armin Hofmann – The Pedagogical Dimension
  • Dorothea Hofmann – Drawings
  • Alumni Image Montage
    Material gathered from the Alumni

HGK / FHNW Campus
Alumni Roundtables

Greeting: Prof. Michael Renner, Director of the Institute for Visual Communications

16:00 – 16:45
Roundtable 1
The Pedagogical Dimension
Moderator: Sandra Bischler
Participants: Kenneth Hiebert, Terry Irwin, Philip Burton, Franz Werner and Kate Wolff

16:50 – 17:35
Roundtable 2
The Era Hofmann and Cultural Exchange
Moderators: Michael Renner and Sandra Bischler
Participants: Hans-Ulrich Allemann, Inge Druckrey, Dan Boyarski and Jim Faris

17:40 – 18:25
Roundtable 3
The Impact of Armin Hofmann on Practice
Moderators: Michael Renner
Participants: Jean-Benoit Levy, April Greiman, Walter Bohatsch and Hamish Muir

Video documentation of the Alumni Day

Roundtable 1 Roundtable 2 Roundtable 3